Water Kefir

Water Kefir

Water Kefir

Water kefir is a probiotic beverage that may have various health benefits, including improved immunity and protection against certain types of cancer. You can easily make this at home from sugar water and water kefir grains.

Water kefir is a beverage favored for both its fizzy flavor and impressive health benefits.

Besides packing a powerful punch of probiotics, this tasty drink has also been shown to amp up immunity, slow cancer cell growth and improve overall health.

Best of all, it can be made at home using just a few simple ingredients.

It tastes almost like a very light lager with notes of a dry apple cider.  It is slightly fizzy and we like to drink it when it has been refrigerated.

You can also add fresh Coconut water, mint leaves, vanilla extract, fruit juice or frozen fruit to vary the flavour.

It is said that it is best to drink this first thing in the morning to boost your energy levels during the day ahead.

Traditionally, kefir has been made from cow, goat, or sheep’s milk fermented with kefir grains. Kefir grains aren’t actually plant seeds or cereal grains, but a combination of ingredients, including:

  • lactic acid bacteria (found in plants, animals, and soil)
  • yeasts
  • proteins
  • lipids (fats)
  • sugars

These ingredients form a gelatinous substance. They’re live, active cultures, similar to those found in a sourdough bread starter. They cause fermentation when the kefir grains are combined with milk or coconut water, in much the same way yogurt, sour cream, and buttermilk do.

The fermented beveragkefir is the stuff of legend. Marco Polo wrote about kefir in his diaries. The grains for traditional kefir are said to have been a gift of the Prophet Mohammed.

Perhaps the most intriguing tale is that of Irina Sakharova, the Russian temptress sent to charm the secret of kefir from a prince of Caucasus.

Today, kefir enjoys popularity throughout the world as a healthful and refreshing beverage. But a new product, coconut kefir, is claimed to eclipse the health benefits of traditional kefir by combining the benefits of kefir with the health rewards and delicious flavor of coconut water.

PLEASE NOTE :   The above information is taken from Healthline.com

Utensils and Ingredients

Clean measuring jug

Measuring scales

30g Dark Brown Muscovado Sugar, or sugar of your choice

1 - 2 litres Spring Water

Kefir Granules

1 litre glass jug (best with lid) or dedicated lL Glass Fridge Water Jug


  1. Take a clean plastic jug measuring jug.

  2. Put it on measuring scales.

  3. Weigh out 30g of Dark Brown Muscovado Sugar (or sugar of your choice)

  4. Place Kefir grains into a glass jug of 1 litre plus capacity.

  5. Pour boiling water, just enough to cover, on to the Muscovado sugar, stir to dissolve then add one litre of room temperature, unchlorinated (preferably Spring water) to make up one litre.

  6. IMPORTANT: Test temperature before pouring onto Kefir grains, water MUST BE COOL or barely lukewarm otherwise you will kill the Kefir grains.

  7. When making a batch from the beginning, you will need to discard this and then create a second batch, which will then be better for drinking.

  8. Cover with either muslin or cling film, but leave small hole for liquid to breathe for 24 - 48 hours at room temperature.

  9. Kefir is ready when small carbonated bubbles start to rise and when the sweetness of the sugar has largely disappeared during the fermenting process.

  10. In order to determine right level of taste, it needs to have mostly lost the sweetness of the sugar and then needs to be put into the fridge and then add a lid, or put into bottles with lids.

  11. The grains will continue to grow and ferment.  If too many form, it is possible to remove some of these with a slotted spoon and place them into a plastic sieve and start a new brew in a clean jug.   Repeating steps 4. - 10.

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